Christy's Research Writing Resources

Friday, August 05, 2005

Proof Paragraphs

Many body paragraphs in an argumentative essay serve similar functions and may share a similar structure. Elements that might be contained in a "proof" paragraph for a paper.

A Topic Sentence containing a transition from the previous paragraph and indicating the reason or point you will be discussing in this section.

A quotation from the book that either states or illustrates that reason.

An explanation of the quotation or expansion on the reason.

A transition into proving that this is what the reason is and what it means.

Details and examples from sources which illustrate this reason (again, direct quotations are often best when possible, either fragments of sentences worked into your summary or small, complete passages).

Explanation or discussion of how these details illustrate the reason you are trying to demonstrate and explain.

A tie back to the topic sentence or to the main claim of the paper explaining how this helps illustrate the claim.

The formula above is just that, a formula. It is rather mechanical, but it is a place to start. Every paragraph may not contain all of these elements. In many cases, some of these elements may be spread out over several paragraphs if a section of your paper is discussing a single reason in detail and providing multiple examples to expand on various aspects of this reason. However, when trying to see if your ideas are clearly stated and fully developed, you may want to use this checklist.


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